
Jul 7, 20191 min

Day +53: #NotSorry #100DaysDIEP

Piato on Blues Point

I’m a day late with this post and it’s not what I said it’d be about, mainly cos I was on a wee bender yesterday with the hubster.

We had breakkie at my fave city spot; I splurged on a new winter coat; splurged even more on a ridiculously spendy bottle of perfume; got a mini tart-up at Bobbi Brown; drank some very drinky red (in the afternoon!!); and picked pizza up on the way home after stopping off at our local for a couple.

An unapologetic day of excess that didn’t feature cancer (well, apart from me saying quite a few times “It’s like before I had cancer!”), with not a cruciferous in sight.

I think I was powered by steroids. I ran out of steam before 8 when I crashed on the sofa. So not quite like life BC, but what a day! .
